Concept Of OM And Relativity In Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha


  • Hamza Hassan



Gautama Buddha's era, disillusioned, renounce, attainment, engages


Siddhartha, published in 1922, is a literary work authored by Hermann Hesse. The literary work in question explores the metaphysical odyssey of an individual named Siddhartha, who embarks on a quest for self-realization within the historical context of the Gautama Buddha's era. This article centers its attention on a specific artwork and engages in a critical examination of the notion of Om and the relative nature of the issues explored within the novel. The notion of Om, representing the interconnectedness and unity of all phenomena, serves as essential catalysts for Siddhartha's moments of enlightenment. The attainment of enlightenment by Siddhartha is facilitated by his eventual comprehension of the concept of Om. However, throughout his journey, he encounters this thought on multiple occasions, each instance provoking a transformative effect on his being. Siddhartha, feeling disillusioned with many religious doctrines, chooses to renounce all religious avenues in his pursuit of enlightenment. This article centers its attention on the philosophical notion of "om" and explores its thematic significance in the novel Siddhartha, particularly in relation to the concept of relativity.



How to Cite

Hamza Hassan. (2023). Concept Of OM And Relativity In Herman Hesse’s Siddhartha. MAIRAJ, 2(2), 10–16.